We present a high-temperature version, CDSD-1000, of the carbon dioxide spectroscopic databank. The databank contains the line parameters (positions, intensities, air- and self-broadened half-widths and coefficients of temperature dependence of air-broadened half-widths) of the four most abundant isotopic species of the carbon dioxide molecule. The reference temperature is Tref=1000°K and the intensity cutoff is Icut=10−27 cm−1/moleculecm−2. More than 3 million lines covering the 260–8310, 418–2454, 394–4662, and 429–2846 cm−1 spectral ranges for 12C16O2, 13C16O2, 12C16O18O, and 12C16O17O, respectively, are included in CDSD-1000. The databank has been generated within the framework of the method of effective operators and based on the global fittings of spectroscopic parameters (parameters of the effective Hamiltonians and effective dipole moment operators) to observed data collected from the literature. Line-by-line simulations of several low- and medium-resolution high-temperature (T=800-3000 K) spectra have been performed in order to validate the databank. Comparisons of CDSD-1000 with other high-temperature databanks HITEMP, HITELOR, and EM2C are also given. CDSD-1000 is able to reproduce observed spectra in a more satisfactory way than the high-resolution databank HITEMP for temperatures higher than 1000°K. The databank is useful for studying high-temperature radiative properties of CO2. CDSD-1000 is freely accessible via the Internet.
Papers with the following subject areas are suitable for publication in the Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer:
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High temperature absorption measurements were made for CO2 gas in Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) with a hot cell and high resolution interferometer. The experimental data were compared to band-model and line-by-line model transmittance calculations using line parameters from the HITRAN and HITEMP data bases. The line-by-line calculations using HITEMP were in excellent agreement with experimental measurements, while the model calculations using the HITRAN data underpredicted the absorption by approx. 10%.