Molecular spectroscopy
3-atomic molecules ontologies
Molecular states and transitions ontologies
Molecular vibrational states and band ontologies
Information resources of 3-atomic molecules ontologies
Tables for taking into account the Hartmann-Tran profiles in the H2O spectra calculations
Proceedings or books of selected articles (abstracts)
Microwave spectroscopy
High resolution spectroscopy methods, Tomsk, 2003 (in Russian)
1.1. Энергетические состояния молекул
1.2. Тепловое распределение заселенности квантовых состояний
1.3. Интенсивность линии и коэффициент поглощения
1.4. Контур спектральной линии
1.5. Характеристики спектральной аппаратуры
2.1. Дифракционные спектрометры
2.2. Схемы дифракционных спектрометров
2.3. Акустооптические спектрометры
2.4. Интерферометр Фабри-Перо
3.1. Основы Фурье-спектроскопии
3.2. Ошибки в Фурье-спектроскопии
4.1. Лазерные спектрофотометры
4.2. Лазерные спектрометры с воздушным промежутком в резонаторе
4.3. Лазерный спектрофотометр с диодным лазером
4.4. Многоходовые лазерные кюветы
4.5. Внутрирезонаторная лазерная спектроскопия
4.6. Метод затухания излучения в резонаторе (ЗИР-спектроскопия)
4.7. Оптико-акустическая спектроскопия
5.1. Синхронное детектирование
5.2. Корреляционная спектроскопия
5.3. Метод производной
6.1. Метод протяженной трассы с высоким спектральным разрешением
6.2. Затменное зондирование с борта космического аппарата
6.3. Затменное зондирование с поверхности Земли
6.4. Метод протяженной трассы с низким спектральным разрешением
Introduction in the theory of vibration-rotational spectroscopy (in Russian)
ГЛАВА 1. Нормальные координаты, ...
1.1 Приближение Борна – Оппенгеймера
1.2 Система координат и нормальные колебательные координаты
1.3. Гамильтониан трехатомной молекулы в естественных координатах
ГЛАВА 2. Операторная теория возмущений
2.1. Эффективный вращательный гамильтониан
Молекулярные столкновения и спектры атмосферных газов
Уширение линий
Радиационное уширение
Допплеровское уширение
Совместное действие двух механизмов
Уширение линий столкновениями
Механизмы возмущения
Возможные приближения
Корреляционные функции
Общие соотношения в теории контура
Соотношения симметрии
Форма линий в адиабатическом приближении
Теория Андерсона
Метод Робера–Бонами
Интерференция линий
Пространство Лиувилля
Релаксационный оператор
Модель сильных столкновений
Модель варьируемого взаимодействия ветвей
Эффекты в центральной части полосы
Крылья полос
Квазистатическое приближение
Учет неадиабатичности
Эффект Дике
Индуцированные спектры
Механизмы индукции дипольного момента
Характерные черты индуцированных полос
Бинарные и многочастичные эффекты
Спектральные моменты полос
Бинарное приближение
Трансляционные спектры
Вращательные спектры
Колебательно-вращательные спектры
Одновременные переходы
Атмосферные наблюдения
Spectroscopy of intermolecular interaction. Nonlinear effects (in Russian)
Molecular Spectroscopy
Water Structure and Behavior
List of composite figures
Graphical Resources Statistics
Functions and arguments
Цитируемые графики
Статистика качества цитируемых графиков
Detailed CO2 statistics
Demand assignment and search of queried primitive plots, representation of primitive and composite plots and list of composite figures
Molecular Spectroscopy (W@DIS)
Graphical resources
» Plots and figures representing spectral data on the continuous absorption of water and the properties of the complexes
Demand assignment and search of queried primitive plots
Physical Quantities
Abscissa (X-axis)
System. Physical Quantity (Unit)
Wavenumber (cm⁻¹) (4878)
Temperature (K) (513)
Wavelength (nm) (367)
R (atomic unit) (286)
1000/Temperature (K⁻¹) (196)
Frequency (GHz) (112)
Displacement From Line Center (cm⁻¹) (111)
Wavelength (mkm) (102)
Intermolecular Distance (Angstrom) (72)
Wavelength (A) (36)
Wavelength (mm) (32)
Pressure (atm) (20)
1/Temperature (K⁻¹) (17)
Number Density (cm⁻³) (16)
R(A) (16)
Density (g/m³) (14)
Mole Fraction (13)
Wavelength (cm) (11)
Cluster Size (8)
Raman Shift (cm⁻¹) (6)
R Branch Angular Moment (5)
Displacement From Line Center (GHz) (5)
Excitation Energy (eV) (5)
Heating Rate (K d⁻¹) (4)
Pressure (mbar) (4)
Pressure (torr) (4)
P Branch Angular Moment (3)
Density (g/cm³) (3)
Defined Argument (2)
Angular Momentum (2)
Latitude (°) (2)
Frequency (MHz) (2)
Ordinate (Y-axis)
System. Physical Quantity (Unit)
Absorption Coefficient (cm²mol⁻¹atm⁻¹) (1433)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹Amagat⁻²) (956)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹) (523)
Transmittance (%) (288)
Absorption Cross Section (cm⁻²) (288)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹atm⁻¹) (233)
Absorption Coefficient (dB/km) (187)
Defined Function (183)
Normalized Absorption Coefficient (atm⁻¹cm⁻¹)
Transmittance (arbitrary units) (135)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹atm⁻²) (135)
Intensity (arbitrary units) (127)
Absorption Coefficient (cm²mol⁻¹) (113)
Potential Energy (cm⁻¹) (103)
Optical Depth (98)
Absorbance (94)
Potential Energy (meV) (77)
Absorbance Base e (absorbance units) (77)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹Amagat⁻¹) (71)
Absorption Coefficient (Km⁻¹) (71)
Absorption (arbitrary units) (68)
Absorption Coefficient (g⁻¹cm²atm⁻¹) (65)
Correction Factor of the Lorentz Shape (64)
Normalized Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹Amagat⁻²) (62)
χ-Function (53)
Potential Energy (53)
Potential Energy (μH) (50)
Collision Induced Cross-Section (cm⁵molecule⁻²) (45)
Absorption Cross Section (cm²) (43)
Absorbance Base 10 (absorbance units) (40)
Absorption Coefficient (cm²mbar⁻¹) (39)
Dipole Moment (ea₀) (38)
Absorption Coefficient (g⁻¹cm²) (37)
∅ (35)
Intensity (Km/mol) (29)
Attenuation (dB/km) (28)
Optical Depth (cm⁻¹) (27)
Peak Cross-Section (26)
Absorption (%) (23)
Equilibrium Constant (atm⁻¹) (23)
Absorption Coefficient ((dB/km)/kPa²) (21)
Absorption Coefficient (Amagat⁻²) (21)
Integrated Cross-Section (21)
Optical Density (arbitrary units) (20)
Equlibrium Constant (m⁻³) (20)
Binary Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹Amagat⁻²) (19)
Altitude (km) (19)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹Torr⁻²) (19)
Extinction (cm⁻¹) (19)
Interaction Energy (μHartree) (18)
Intermolecular Potential (Kcal/mol) (16)
Absorption Coefficient (m⁻¹) (15)
Spectral Emissivity (0-1) (15)
Absorption Coefficient (cm³mol⁻¹) (15)
Spectral Function (Amagat⁻²) (14)
CIA Coefficient (cm⁻¹/Amagat²) (14)
Integrated Band Intensity of the CIA (cm⁻²Amagat⁻²) (14)
Normalized Intensity (13)
Normalized Relative Fraction (0-1) (13)
Binary Absorption Coefficient (cm⁵molecule⁻²) (13)
Normalized Absorption Coefficient (12)
Mole Fraction (12)
Percent Absorption (%) (12)
Absorption Coefficient (m²mol⁻¹kPa⁻¹) (12)
Signal (arbitrary units) (12)
Absorption Per Pass (ppm) (12)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁴ / (mol atm)) (11)
Attenuation Coefficient (cm²atm⁻¹) (11)
Photoionisation Cross-Section (Mbarn) (11)
Intensity (counts*10⁻³) (11)
Height Profile (km) (10)
Temperature Dependence Of Normalized Absorption Coefficient (10)
Potential Energy (K) (9)
Absorption Coefficient (m²mol⁻¹) (9)
Average Effective Broadening Parameter (cm⁻¹atm⁻¹) (9)
Correcting Factor of the Line Shape (9)
Absorbance (arbitrary units) (9)
Absorption Coefficient (cm⁻¹ (kg / m³)⁻²) (8)
Density Normalized Absorption Coefficient (cm⁵) (8)
Absorption Coefficient (g⁻¹cm²bar⁻¹) (7)
Spectrum (arbitrary units) (7)
∅ (6)
∅ (6)
Line Shape Function (6)
Absorption Coefficient in the Wing (cm⁻¹Amagat²) (6)
CARS Signal (arbitrary units) (6)
Depletion Signal (%) (6)
∅ (5)
Absorption Coefficient (km⁻¹atm⁻¹) (5)
Potential Energy (atomic units) (5)
The Exponent of the Quasi-Lorentz Form of the Main Part of the Induced Absorption Bands in the Region of the Fermi Doublet (4)
Half-width of the Quasi-Lorentz Form of the Main Part of the Induced Absorption Bands in the Region of the Fermi Doublet (cm⁻¹) (4)
Pressure (mbar) (4)
Absorption Coefficient (dB/km mBar²) (4)
Ratio Of Integrated Intensities (4)
Ratio Of Absorption Coefficient (4)
Absorption Coefficient (cm²) (4)
Absorption Coefficient (mm⁻¹) (4)
Attenuation (dB/km per g/m³) (4)
Frequency Square Normalized Coefficient Before Density Cube In Decomposition Of Absorption Coefficient (cm Amagat⁻³) (4)
Loss Per Pass (ppm) (4)
Integrated Absorption (cm⁻¹) (4)
Zeroth Spectral Moment (cm⁻¹Amagat⁻²) (3)
Mass Fraction (3)
Downwelling Flux (W m⁻²cm) (3)
Total Integrated Intensity (cm⁻²Amagat⁻²) (3)
Absorption Coefficient (eV per molecule) (3)
Frequency Square Normalized Coefficient Before Density Square In Decomposition Of Absorption Coefficient (cm Amagat⁻²) (3)
Cross-Section (cm²/mol) (3)
Relative Contributions To Zero Spectral Moment (3)
Normalized CIA Profile (3)
Normalized Bandshape (cm) (2)
Broadening Coefficient (cm⁻¹atm⁻¹) (2)
Normalized Half-Width (cm⁻¹) (2)
Cumulative Extra Absorption (W m⁻²) (2)
Absorption Coefficient (dB/km m³/g) (2)
Vibrational Frequency (cm⁻¹) (2)
Extinction (arbitrary units) (2)
Density Effect Parameter (Amagat⁻¹) (1)
Physical properties
CD₃OH (2)
CH₃OD (1)
CH₃OH (5)
CH₃¹⁷OH (5)
CH₄ (94)
CO₂ (1327)
C¹⁸O₂ (1)
¹³CD₃OD (1)
¹³C¹⁸O₂ (1)
D₂¹⁸O (2)
H₂ (8)
H₂O (2222)
H¹⁷OD (2)
N₂ (112)
NaCl (3)
NaHCO₃ (2)
NaO (2)
O₂ (93)
O₃ (140)
OC¹⁷O (1)
OC¹⁸O (1)
O¹³CO (1)
O¹³C¹⁷O (1)
O¹³C¹⁸O (1)
¹⁷O₂ (84)
¹⁷OC¹⁸O (1)
Ar + CH₄ (1)
Ar + CO₂ (186)
Ar + CO₂ + CO₂-CO₂ (1)
Ar + H₂O (2)
Ar + (H₂O)ₙ (3)
Ar + N₂ (2)
Ar + NO + CH₄ (2)
Ar + O₂ (3)
Ar[ss] + CO₂ + CO₂-CO₂ (7)
Ar[ss] + CO₂ + CO₂-N₂ + CO₂-CO₂ + (CO₂)ₙ (5)
Ar[ss] + H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + (H₂O)₃ (11)
C₂H₆ + He (2)
CH₄ ( 20.00 %) + Ar ( 80.00 %) (7)
CH₄ + H₂ (47)
CH₄ + He (21)
CH₄ + N₂ (96)
CO₂ ( 99.00 %) + CO ( 1.00 %) (1)
CO₂ + CO₂-CO₂ (16)
CO₂ + CO₂-CO₂ + CO₂-Ar + CO₂-Ar₂ (1)
CO₂ + CO₂-CO₂ + (CO₂)₃ + (CO₂)₆ (1)
CO₂ ( 3.00 %) + CO₂-CO₂ + He (3)
CO₂ + D₂ (6)
CO₂ + H₂ (11)
CO₂ + He (208)
CO₂ + N₂ (349)
CO₂ ( 95.32 %) + N₂ ( 2.70 %) + Ar ( 1.60 %) + O₂ ( 0.14 %) + CO ( 0.08 %) + H₂O + H + Kr + O₃ + Ne + H₂O₂ (4)
CO₂ + Ne (8)
CO₂ + O₂ (42)
CO₂ + OC¹⁸O (1)
CO₂ + Xe (19)
CO₂-CO₂ + CO₂-Ar + CO₂-Ar₂ (1)
CO₂-CO₂ + (CO₂)₃ (7)
D₂O + (D₂O)ₙ (9)
H₂O + CO₂ (26)
H₂O + H₂O-H₂O (43)
H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + H₂O-Ar (2)
H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + H₂O-Kr (1)
H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + H₂O-Ne (1)
H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + (H₂O)₃ (6)
H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + (H₂O)₃ + (H₂O)₄ + (H₂O)₅ + (H₂O)₆ (3)
H₂O + N₂ (380)
H₂O + O₂ + O₂-O₂ (1)
H₂O + O₂-O₂ (1)
HOD-(H₂O)₂ + (HOD)₃ (1)
He + CO₂ + (CO₂)₃ (2)
He + H₂O + (H₂O)ₙ (4)
He[ls] + H₂O + H₂O-H₂O (3)
Kr + (H₂O)ₙ (2)
Kr[ss] + H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + (H₂O)₃ (1)
N₂ + Ar (16)
N₂ ( 94.50 %) + CH₄ ( 5.00 %) + H₂ ( 0.50 %) (3)
N₂ + H₂ (21)
N₂ + He (2)
N₂ + N₂-H₂ (2)
N₂ + O₂ + Ar + CO₂ + Ne + CH₄ + H₂O + CH₃OH + He (19)
N₂ ( 78.08 %) + O₂ ( 20.95 %) + Ar ( 0.93 %) + CO₂ ( 0.04 %) + Ne ( 0.00 %) + He ( 0.00 %) + CH₄ ( 0.00 %) (5)
N₂ + O₂ + Ar + CO₂ + Ne + He + CH₄ + H₂O (25)
N₂[ls] (1)
N₂[ss] + CO₂ + CO₂-CO₂ (1)
N₂[ss] + H₂O (7)
N₂[ss] + H₂O + H¹⁸OH (3)
N₂[ss] + H₂O + H¹⁸OH + H₂O-H₂O + (H¹⁸OH)₂ + H₂O-H¹⁸OH (1)
NO + Ar (1)
Ne + (H₂O)ₙ (2)
Ne + N₂ (5)
Ne[ss] + D₂O-D₂O (2)
Ne[ss] + H₂O (1)
Ne[ss] + H₂O + H₂O-H₂O + (H₂O)₃ (5)
Ne[ss] + H₂O + H¹⁸OH + H₂O-H₂O + H₂O-H¹⁸OH + (H¹⁸OH)₂ (2)
Ne[ss] + H₂O-D₂O (2)
Ne[ss] + H₂O-H₂O (5)
Ne[ss] + H₂O-H₂O + (H₂O)₃ (13)
Ne[ss] + (H₂O)₃ + (H₂O)₄ + (H₂O)₅ (2)
Ne[ss] + H¹⁸OH + (H¹⁸OH)₂ + (H¹⁸OH)₃ (1)
Ne[ss] + (H¹⁸OH)₂ (12)
O₂ + Ar + Ne + He + CH₄ + N₂O (2)
O₂ + N₂ (7)
Xe + (H₂O)ₙ (3)
CD₄-NO (3)
CH₂D₂-NO (2)
CH₃D-NO (3)
CH₄-Ar (20)
CH₄-CF₄ (4)
CH₄-CH₄ (55)
CH₄-CHF₃ (2)
CH₄-CO (53)
CH₄-H₂ (36)
CH₄-H₂O (8)
CH₄-He (20)
CH₄-N₂ (106)
CH₄-NO (2)
CHD₃-NO (1)
(CO₂)ₙ (6)
CO₂-Ar (14)
CO₂-Ar₂ (1)
CO₂-CO₂ (130)
CO₂-O¹³CO (2)
CO₂-Xe (5)
(CO₂)₃ (11)
(CO₂)₆ (3)
D₂O-D₂O (2)
(H₂O)ₙ (2)
H₂O-Ar (2)
H₂O-CHF₃ (2)
H₂O-CO₂ (50)
H₂O-H₂O (262)
H₂O-(HOD)₂ (1)
(H₂O)₃ (6)
(H₂O)₄ (4)
(H₂O)₆ (16)
(H₂O)₇ (2)
(H₂O)₈ (2)
(H₂O)₉ (2)
(H¹⁸OH)₂ (1)
N₂-CO₂ (2)
N₂-H₂ (7)
N₂-H₂O (3)
N₂-N₂ (8)
O₂-CO₂ (2)
O₂-H₂O (2)
O₂-O₂ (149)
O¹³CO-O¹³CO (2)
∅ (3576)
Absorption Cross-Section (292)
C0s (molecules-1 cm2 atm-1) (160)
Cs (77)
V(cm-1) (53)
Absorbance (48)
α/ρ1ρ2 (44)
Intensity (43)
α(ν) (41)
Absorption cross section (41)
eC0 (39)
Absorption Coefficient (38)
Normalized Absorption (cm-1) (32)
Differential Continuum [Opt.Depth] (32)
Optical Depth (32)
C_f (cm-1(atm molecules cm-3)-1))) (32)
μx - dipole moment (31)
Transmissivity (31)
V/K (30)
Absorption coefficient α(ω) (29)
Cs (cm2/molec/atm) (29)
k, (cm2 mol-1 atm-1) (27)
Absorption coefficient (27)
Cs(v,T)/v2, cm^2 molec-1 atm-1 (26)
α(ω)/(n_1 n_2) , (cm-1Amagat-2) (25)
Abs. Ceff. (10^-2 cm-1) (24)
Normalized absorption coefficient (24)
Cs (cm2 / mbar) (24)
Peak Cross-Section (24)
a_mix (23)
Cs(T) (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) (23)
Kn (22)
V(R), meV (22)
Absorption coefficient ((dB/(Km kPa2)) (21)
Integrated Cross-Section (21)
Cself, 10^-21 cm2 molec-1 atm-1 (20)
Transmission (19)
Normalized absorption coefficient BN20 (18)
Interaction Energy (muHartree) (18)
α(ω), (cm-1 amagat-2) (18)
Absorp.Coeff./(dens.)^2 (10^-6 cm-1 am-2) (18)
κ_(calc)/κ_(exp) (17)
B0/B0L (17)
Спектр пропускания (17)
C0S 10^-21 (17)
Self-continuum cross section, Cs (17)
α(ω) (17)
kappa(V(T_0)) (16)
Сorrection factor of the Lorentz shape (16)
V(meV) (16)
κ(ω), г-1 см^2 атм-1 (16)
Collision Induced Absorption (cm^5 molecule^-2)) (16)
Extinction Coefficient (15)
B0 (cm-1Amagat-2) (15)
Cross Section (15)
C0s,w (15)
Cs. 10^-20 cm^2/(molec*atm) (15)
Absorption A~ (15)
Log10(I0/I) (15)
Absorption coefficient (g-1cm2atm-1) (15)
alpha(nu, n1, n2) cm-1 (14)
Binary absorption coefficient (13)
K^o(atm cmSTP)^-1 (13)
Cs (cм2 молек-1 атм-1) (13)
C0N (molecules-1 cm2 atm-1) (13)
k (12)
Normalized coefficient of absorption (12)
ln(Bab) (12)
Log_(10)alpha + 10 (12)
Cab+Cba (12)
T_λ (12)
10^3 S_2, cm-2 Amagat-2 (12)
Cs cm^-1/(atm molec/cm^3)^-1 (12)
α(ω)/N^2 , (10^-6 cm-1Amagat-2) (12)
Spectral function (12)
Normalized Absorption (12)
Line shape function (11)
Функция отклонений k(ω) (11)
Eint (Kkal/mol) (11)
Cs, 10^-21 cм2 молек-1 атм-1 (11)
Raman Intensity (a.u.) (11)
K(ν), (g-1 cm2) (11)
Cs(T) (cm2/molecules atm) (11)
chi-factor (10)
Normalized Absorption (10)
Electrostatic energy, E(μH) (10)
Interaction energy, E(μH) (10)
Dispersion energy, ε(20)disp, E(μH) (10)
SCF-deformation energy, E(μH) (10)
H, Height (km) (10)
Cs (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) (10)
Ann(ν), (10^-6 cm-1 Amagat-2) (10)
A(ω)/p2*10^6, (cm-1 Amagat-2) (10)
V/cm-1 (10)
α(Neper cm-1) (10)
Log_e(I0/I) (10)
Tranamission (9)
Intensity (cm/mol) (9)
-lg(K) (9)
HL-Exchange energy E(H) (9)
α(ω)/n^2 , (10-7 cm-1Amagat-2) (9)
γ, дб км-1 (9)
Cs, 10^-22 cм2 молек-1 атм-1 (9)
Cs, (cm-1 mol/cm^2)-1 (9)
χ(Δσ) (cm-1 atm-1) (9)
k, cm2 mol-1 atm-1 (9)
CIA spectrum (cm^-1 Amagat^-2) (9)
Depletion Signal (9)
Cross-Section (8)
Form factor (8)
A(ω) (cm-1) (8)
K (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) (8)
Energy (hartree) (8)
C0N (8)
α(ν), Napierian absorbance (8)
Cf (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) Foreign-continuum cross-section (8)
Transmittance (8)
Коэффициент континуального поглощения (г-1 см:2 атм-1) (8)
α2(ν)*10^5 (cm-1 Amagat-2) (8)
Cs, Csf (7)
Absorption spectrum (7)
Normalized absorption coefficient (7)
-ln(k(v)) (7)
absorption coefficient/density2 (7)
C0S (cm/mol) (7)
K0N (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) (7)
T (7)
A(ω)/ρ^2 (*10^45 cm^5) (7)
Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) (W m-2) (6)
alpha/nCO2/nX cm-1 Amaga2 (6)
^Nk (cm-1) (6)
kappa (6)
U/(kT) (6)
delta% (6)
Absortivity (%) (6)
Normalized absorption function k^0 (atm cm_S_T_P)^-1 (6)
A_CO2-N2 (6)
C_f (cm^-1-molec-cm^-2)^-1 (6)
C_S(T) (6)
Qb/(Qb+Qq) (6)
ΔE=E^(1)_SCF+E^(r) (6)
Total Optical Depth (6)
10^24 C0s (molecules-1 cm2 atm-1) (6)
Bolometer signal (6)
V(RI, cm-1 (6)
α, cm-1 (6)
α*10^-8 (cm-1) (6)
Dens normalized Abs (cm-1/atm2) (6)
Abs Coeff (10-2 cm-1). (6)
τ (6)
P0ω, (cm-1 atm-1) (6)
Константа димеризации (атм-1)) (6)
Cs Self-broadening Coefficient (cm2 mol-1 atm-1) (6)
Cs (molec-1 m2 kPa-1)) 10^30 (6)
K*10^6 cm-1 (6)
Absorbance at 84 m (6)
quadratic cross section 10^-46 (cm5 molecule-2) (6)
Density-normalized absorption (cm-1/Amaga^2) (5)
farction of strength at the line center (5)
subLorentzian &khi;-factor (5)
alphaExp/alphaLor (5)
Binary normalized absorption coefficient NK/P2 (5)
U(R) (5)
kappa (cm-1 atm-1) (5)
C_f (5)
Foreign-continuum cross-section, C_F (5)
Absorption Coefficient (1/(km atm)) (5)
Potential Energy (au) (5)
Keq (atm-1) (5)
α(ω)/(na nb) (5)
ln(Cs) (5)
α*10^6 (cm-1) (5)
Cs (cm^-2 mol atm)^-1 (5)
SCO2-CO2 10^5 in Amagat-2 cm-1 (5)
Cf (cm^2 molec-1 atm-2) (5)
BCO2-CO2 10^5 in cm-1 Amagat-2 (5)
Cs (molec-1 m2 kPa-1)) (5)
Absorption cross section, (10^-23 cm^2) (5)
α'md, 10^-10 cm-1 Torr-2 (5)
(1/v)ln(I0/I) (5)
10^6 B_N2-N2(σ,T) (cm-1 Amagat-2) (5)
10^-6 B_N2-N2(σ,T) (cm-1 Amagat-2) (5)
Absorption (cm-1 Amagat-2) (5)
Abs. coeff. (5)
B_O2-O2(σ,T) (5)
cm-2 Amagat unit-2 (4)
kL (4)
density normalized abs. coeff. (4)
Normalized binary absorption coefficient A0(sigma) (4)
Optimized asymmetrical correcting line shape factor (4)
Поправочная функция χ(Δν) (4)
k(Km-1) (4)
A(ν) (cm-1 Amagat-2) (4)
Differential O_4 Transmission [%] (4)
Kb+q(fit)/KfromSVC (4)
Intermolecular potential (Kcal/mol) (4)
Relative Energy (kcal/mol) (4)
Normalized CIA Intensity (4)
C0N (m2 mol-1) (4)
Self-broadening coefficient (cm^2 mbar^^-1) (4)
Спектральная оптическая плотность (4)
Cs Self-broadening Continuum Coefficient (cm2 mol-1 atm-1) (4)
Continuum (dB/km mbar^2) (4)
Dimers/Continuum (4)
κ(ω), см-1 атм-1 (4)
Спектр поглощения (Absorption Stpectrum) (4)
γA, dB/km (4)
C0N (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1)) (4)
Self-broadening coefficient (4)
ln C0s (4)
Absorptance (4)
α_2(ν)/ν^2*10^10 (cm Amagat^-2) (4)
K_N-N(σ)*10^6 (cm-1 Amagat-2) (4)
α(cm-1) (4)
σ_net-binary (4)
Relative Intensity (4)
CIA Spectrum (cm-1/Amagat2) (4)
Absorbance (base 10) (4)
Transmission (%) (4)
Const/N^2 (3)
Нормализованный коэффициент поглощения (см⁻¹Амага⁻²) (3)
alpha(omega) (3)
δ =[(αobs - αcal)/αobs] in % (3)
Normalized binary absorption coefficient DeltaA0(sigma) (3)
α^Cor(10^-5 cm-1) (3)
Normalized Absorption Coefficient (cm-1 Amagat-2) (3)
Kv(T, P) divided by the CO2 mole fraction (3)
ln(κ) (3)
размерность неизвестна (3)
Бинарный коэффициент поглощения (3)
khi (3)
Percent transmission (3)
Cs, cm^2 molec-1 atm-1 (3)
CA_H2O-CO2 (3)
Absorption coefficient (cm2mol-1(cm-1)-1) (3)
F_H_M(ν) (Amagat-2) (3)
Absorption (10^-5 cm-1 am-2) (3)
K_p, atm^-1 (3)
A(ν) (3)
log_e(I0/I) (3)
α(ω)/(n_1 n_2), (cm-1Amagat-2) (3)
Absorption Cross-Section σd 10^19 (cm2 molecules-1) (3)
Absorption Coefficient (M-1) (3)
eCs0 (3)
Степень диссоциации аlpha комплекса (3)
flux at surface (W m-2 cm) (3)
Density normalized CI Absorption Coefficient, (cm-1/Am2) (3)
(I_dimer/I_total) (3)
Absorption, a.u. (3)
Излучательная способность (3)
Transmittance * 100 (3)
Persantage transmission (3)
Broadening Coefficient (cm2 mbar-1) (3)
-ln C0s (3)
Continuum Absorption (dB/km) (3)
αind, 10^-10 cm-1 Torr-2 (3)
α_3(ν)/ν^2*10^10 (cm Amagat^-3) (3)
A(ω)/p2*10^6, (cm-a Amagat-2) (3)
A(σ), (cm-1 Amagat-2) (3)
Water-water temperature dependence [f(T)/f(296)] (3)
α(ω) (10^-20 cm^2/molecule)) (3)
α*10^6 (3)
Absorption Coefficient * 10^6 (cm-1 Amagat-2)) (3)
Self-continuum cross-section (3)
OLR(CA) - OLR(GBKM) (W m-2) (2)
(Obs - Calc)/Obs (2)
1-(kappa(Lor)/kappa(omega)) (2)
δ =[(αobs - αcal)/αobs] in %. (2)
Binary Absorption Coefficient (2)
B12(nu)(cm-1 Amagat-2) (2)
alpha_observed/alpha_ECS-P (2)
ln(kappa) (2)
Absorption. Integral (A_vdv). Observed (cm-1) (2)
Energy (cm-1) (2)
α(dB/km) (2)
Optical depth (2)
Attenuation Coefficient (g-1 cm2 atm-1)) (2)
αν (2)
Cumulative extra absorption, Wm-2 (2)
Cs(T) (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) Self-continuum cross-sections (2)
S_2(ν) 10^6, cm-1 Amagat-2 (2)
Itotal 10^-3, cm-2 Amagat-2 (2)
Continuum absorption coefficient Co (v) (2)
γ_λ(T), dB/km m^3/g (2)
Cs(T) (cm2/(molecules atm)) (2)
Transmission per sea mile (2)
A(ω)/p2, (cm-a Amagat-2) (2)
Log10(I0(σ)/I(σ)) (2)
IR intensity per OH bond (2)
a(Neper cm-1) (2)
S(T)/S(3.6) (2)
Water-nitrogen temperature dependence [f(T)/f(296)] (2)
SCIA*10^-7 ()cm-1 Amagat-2) (2)
CIA Spectrum (2)
ω \ cm-1 (2)
Absorption Coefficient * 10^6 /(cm-1 Amagat-2)) (2)
Absorption (2)
Peak Cross-Sections (2)
Absorption cross-section (2)
Photoionization coefficient (2)
Extinction coefficient (2)
Form factor, cm (1)
B0/BoL (1)
The Rosenkranz’s band-averaged relaxation parameter (1)
The negative frequency resonance·average line s (1)
The positive and negative frequency resonance·average line s (1)
f function (1)
lgK_ab (1)
100*^NK/P^2 (1)
a(v_)/aL(v_) (1)
Normalized Absorption Coefficient (1)
Normalized absorption coefficient B_0 (1)
CAH2O-CO2 (1)
α(ω) (cm2/molecule) (1)
α(ω) (1)
eHL-exchange energy E(μH) (1)
Water-Water Temperature dependence (F(T)/F(296K))) (1)
Normalized fraction of CIA Intensity (1)
Equilibrium Constant (atm-1), K^bound_p (1)
Optical thickness (1)
V(R), cm-1 (1)
E(cm-1) (1)
α_ν (1)
Dens normalized Abs (cm-1/atm2) (1)
Abs. coeff. (cm-1) (1)
Cs (cm2 molecules-1 atm-1) Self-continuum cross-sections (1)
I(up)/I(low)) (1)
I(up)/I(low) (1)
(Iup)/I(low) (1)
I(low)/I(up) (1)
Itotal 10-^3, cm-2 Amagat-2 (1)
Arbitrary Unit (1)
C_s, cm-1 (atm molec/cm-3)-1 (1)
Difference between 9R(36) and 9R(34) (1)
Continuum absorption (1)
Spectral Absorption Coefficient, P (cm-1 atm-1) (1)
α'ind, 10^10 cm-1 Torr-2 (1)
αind, 10^10 cm-1 Torr-2 (1)
α(v) (1)
Cs [cm2 atm-1 molecules-1] (1)
Absorption ((dB km-1) (1)
α(ω)*10^22 (cm2 molecule-1 atm-1) (1)
k, (cm-1) (1)
A(ω)/ρ2*10^6, (cm-1 Amagat-2) (1)
K_N-N(sigm)*10^6 (cm-1 Amagat-2) (1)
IR intensity per OH bond (1)
Product Ion Signal (1)
Fragment Intensity (1)
ln Absorbance (1)
Absorption per pass (ppm) (1)
Absorbance (arb. unit) (1)
Absorbance ()arb. unit) (1)
Loge(I0/I) (1)
A(σ) (cm-1 Amagat-2) (1)
A() (cm-1 Amagat-2) (1)
S*10^-4 (1)
Absorption A~ (Amagat^-2) (1)
Absorption Cross Section (1)
Absorption Coefficient * 10^8 (1)
Absorbance *10^4 (1)
Photoionization cross section (1)
Absirption cross section (1)
Absirption coefficient (1)
Infrared predissociation spectra (1)
Absorption Coefficient (cm-1 atm-1) (1)
Predissociation spectrum (1)
Temperature isn't set
Method, Model, Approximation
∅ (5234)
Grating Spectrometer (211)
FTS (170)
Near ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (102)
Absorption spectroscopy (81)
CRDS (72)
Extreme ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (46)
MT_CKD 2.5 model (35)
Grating spectrometer (32)
Ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (31)
ab initio, CCSD(T) (26)
Lorentzian model (25)
Bond-Bond (24)
MT_CKD model (20)
ECS model (19)
OF-CEAS (19)
Vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (19)
A symmetrical vertical Z-shaped type grating spectrometer (17)
FTIR (15)
Generalized contour (14)
CO2 Laser-photoacoustic spectroscopy (14)
Herzberg continuum absorption spectroscopy (14)
Short wave infrared absorption spectroscopy (13)
grating spectrometer (12)
Far infrared absorption spectroscopy (11)
Fourier- transform spectrometer IFS-125M (10)
Bruker 66 V Fourier transform spectrometer (10)
Vacuum absorption spectroscopy (10)
rCMDS model (9)
CKD 2.4.1. model (9)
Spectrophone (9)
Schumann-Runge continuum absorption spectroscopy (9)
Infrared absorption spectroscopy (9)
MT-CKD2.8 model (8)
MT-CKD 1.0. model (8)
Microwave (8)
Fourier spectrometers FS-01 (7)
Fourier spectrometer FS-01 (7)
neglecting line-mixing (7)
A symmetrical vertical Z-shaped type grating spectrometer (7)
Van Vleck line shape (7)
χsym (6)
Corrected line mixing model (6)
modified Lorentzian model (6)
CKD 2.4 model (6)
Laser-photoacoustic spectroscopy (6)
MT-CKD model (6)
FIR Laser (6)
FIR Interferometer (6)
Continuum absorption spectroscopy (6)
Многоходовая газовая кювета с базой 4 метра (схема Уайта)) (5)
Calorimetric interferometry measurement (5)
Laser spectroscopy (CO) (5)
Laser spectroscopy (5)
Line wing theory (5)
Quasistatistical method (5)
MT_CKD 3.2 model (5)
Bolometer (5)
CKD continuum (5)
Lorentz profile (5)
CO2 laser absorption spectroscopy (5)
CRDS (4)
MT_CKD-3.2 model (4)
Bruker IFS 125HR spectrometer with a resolution of 0.01 cm-1 (4)
Line-mixing approximation (4)
A difference frequency laser spectrometer (4)
χasym (4)
ECSA line-mixing model (4)
Perkin Elmer 225 spectrometer. (4)
MT_CKD 3.0 model (4)
Asymptotic method (4)
Laser (4)
Laser (4)
Optothermal molecular-beam color-center laser spectrometer (4)
MT-CKD 2.4 model (4)
laboratory (4)
solar (4)
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (4)
Hartley continuum absorption spectroscopy (4)
high sensitivity CRDS (3)
White Cell (3)
Empirical line profile model (3)
ECS-EP model, neglecting line mixing (3)
ECS-EP model, accounting for line mixing (3)
Bruker IFS66V Fourier spectrometer ( 0.1 cm^−^1) (3)
line wing theory (3)
Line mixing (3)
Lorentzian contour (3)
model Lorentzian (3)
EGL line-overlapping model (3)
Grating spectrograph (3)
FTIR measurements (3)
Laser spectrometer (Laser Analytics, Inc., Model LS-3) (3)
MTCKD 3.2 model (3)
Michelson interferometer equipped with Mylar beam splitters (3)
MT-CKD 1.10 model (3)
Van Vleck-Weisskopf line shape (3)
BCBC model (3)
Kinetic line shape equation (3)
emission (3)
Cell (3)
Mori theory (3)
Synchrotron radiation (3)
Linear regression (3)
Synchrotron radiation spectroscopy (3)
Photofragment fluorescence spectroscopy (3)
rCMDS model with special shifts (2)
ECS approach (2)
The Rosenkranz line-mixing approximation and the χ-factor (2)
The Rosenkranz line-mixing approximation (2)
Molecular dynamics simulations (MDS) (2)
Far-wing theory (2)
ECS-EP model (2)
Lorentzian approach (2)
Model without renormalization of the relaxation operator (2)
Model of Lorentzian line shape (2)
Model of the varied collision efficiency (VCE) (2)
Model of adjusted branch coupling (ABC) (2)
Lorentz Profile (2)
Fourier transform spectrometer Bruker HR 120 (2)
Pollack, J. B., et al., (1993) model (2)
Meadows and Crisp model (2)
Semi-classical approximation (SCA) (2)
Fitting with the two-parameter lineshape factor of Birnbaum (2)
Impact line mixing model (2)
Model of isolated branches (2)
Model with a limited number of interacting lines (2)
Michelson interferometer (2)
A double-pass Ebert-Fastie-type grating spectrometer (2)
Hartmann-Tran line profile (HTP) and Rosenkranz line mixing (2)
Laser spectroscopy (DF) (2)
MT-CKD 3.0 model (2)
Calorimetric–interferometry (2)
MT_CKD 2.4 model (2)
MLEW model (2)
CO2-laser, White cell (2)
Tunable diode laser spectromete (2)
CKD v2.1. model (2)
Van Vleck-Huber line shape (2)
CKD 2.1 model (2)
CKD v0 model (2)
CO2 laser absorption (2)
MTCKD 3.2 (2)
FTS with supercontinuum light source (SCLS) (2)
MT-CKD 2.5 model (2)
Millimeter-Wave Propagation Model (2)
FIR Laser (2)
CMDS calculations (2)
Cavity ringdown spectroscopy (2)
Middle infrared absorption spectroscopy (2)
Microwave absorption spectroscopy (2)
Vacuum violet absorption spectroscopy (2)
Visible absorption spectroscopy (2)
Vibrational spectroscopy (2)
F (1)
GBKM parameterization (1)
MTCKD parameterization (1)
Model with renormalization of the relaxation operator (1)
Model of strong collisions (1)
Model of weak collisions (1)
Rosenkranz shapeswith empirical rotational relaxation matrix (1)
ABC-model with an empirical parameter (1)
ABC-model with an empirical parameter (1)
IOS approximation, DBC - Detailed balance corrected (1)
Energy-corrected sudden approximation (ECSA) (1)
Lorentzian model calculation (1)
energy-corrected sudden approximation (ECSA) (1)
Perrin et al. extrapolation of Fukabori et al., (1986) model (1)
Extrapolation of Fukabori et al., (1986) model (1)
Lorentz model (1)
ECS model (1)
High-resolution diode-laser apparatus (1)
High-resolution diode-laser apparatus (1)
EGL model (1)
Model of interacting branches (1)
Model of isolated lines with a dispersion contour (1)
Cann et al. χ factor (1)
TKL-method (1)
A (1)
A spectrometer with a White Perkin-Elmer cell (1)
A spectrometer is a double-pass Ebert-Fastie type (1)
The spectrometer is a double-pass Ebert-Fastie type (1)
a symmetrical vertical Z-shaped type grating spectrometer (1)
Using Winters B.H., Silverman S., Benedict W.S. contour (1)
Calorimetric-interferometric measurements (1)
MT_CKD2.5 model (1)
calorimetric interferometry (1)
CDRS (1)
Calorimetric-interferometric measurement (1)
Zugspitze closure experiment (1)
CRDS and OF-CEAS (1)
MT-CKD 2.8 model (1)
CI (1)
MT_CKD (1)
MT_CKD 2.1 model (1)
MT_CKD 1.0 model (1)
diode laser, White cell (1)
spectrometer, White cell (1)
CO2-laser, spectrophone (1)
Fourier Transform Spectrometer (1)
Spectrophone measurements (1)
Optoacoustic measurements (1)
MT-CKD 3.2 model (1)
CKD 2.4.1 model (1)
Photoacoustic (1)
Photoacoustic (1)
Radiometer (1)
Strong collision model (1)
ABC (Adjustable Branch Coupling) (1)
CKD model (1)
RSB empirical model (1)
CKD empirical model (1)
Bomem FTIR (1)
FIR interferometer (1)
CKD 2.4 model (1)
Multipass cell (1)
MPM93 model (1)
MPM87 model (1)
OF-CEAS (Optical-Feedback-Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectr) (1)
Zhevakin-Naumov line shape (1)
MTCKD 3.0 (1)
MT_CKD 3.0 (1)
MT_CKD-2.5 model (1)
FTIR spectrum (1)
MTCKD 2.5 model (1)
CO2 laser spectrophon spectroscopy (1)
CO2 Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (1)
White Cell (0.3-cm-1 resolution) (1)
Interferometric calorimeter (1)
Full Lorentz profile (1)
Modification takes into account Benedict parameter (1)
hor. path (1)
van Vleck-Weisskopf Lineshape (1)
Full Lorentz Lineshape (1)
Voigt function (1)
cell (1)
Van Vleck—Weisskopf line form (1)
Asymptotic Line Wing Theory (ALWT) (1)
Photo-absorption spectroscopy (1)
Brewster angle cavity ring-down spectroscopy (1)
Radio frequency absorption spectroscopy (1)
Far-ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy (1)
Laser flash photolysis (1)
Near infrared absorption spectroscopy (1)
Electron-electron coincidence (1)
Pressure (total)
Pressure (total) isn't set
Method type
Theoretical (2837)
Experimental (3371)
Fitting (499)
Empiric (77)
Label (10)
Numerical array type
Primary (4980)
∅ (259)
Cited (1296)
Expert (332)
Numerical array origin
Digitized (6376)
Original (491)
Reference search
Time interval of publication (years)
Figure number
Plot title
The final (brackets) indicates the number of loaded plots corresponding to the value
INTAS grants 00-189, 03-51-3394, RFBR grants 02-07-90139, 05-07-90196, 08-07-00318